2019 ABM Market Research Report

PRESENTATION | Data-backed trends and insights on the current state of Account Based Marketing from Engagio and Salesforce Pardot.

2019 ABM Market Research Report Data-backed trends and insights on the current state of Account Based Marketing from Engagio and Salesforce Pardot.

Contents Introduction 3 Survey Methodology 32 Habits of Successful Organizations 4 Who is represented in this study What makes organizations successful at ABM Industry Company Size ABM Investments and Resources 6 Job Function ABM Spending Seniority Tactical Spending Team Size ABM Maturity Roles and responsibilities: ROI of ABM ABM Tactics and Details 15 ABM Maturity Revenue and Bookings ABM Measurement ABM Program and Target Accounts Top ABM Challenges Learning About ABM ABM Technology Essential Tools

Introduction As organizations continue their rapid adoption of Account • Where are marketers planning to spend Based Marketing, this new research offers a glimpse into more in 2019 related to ABM? the current attitudes and maturity of organizations across North America. Nearly 500 business leaders responded to In addition, we’ve highlighted the habits of those orga- a comprehensive survey in December 2018 / January 2019 nizations who are seeing a positive ROI from ABM. fielded by technology firms Engagio and Salesforce Pardot. Read on to learn their habits, and find out where you Our analysis of the results seeks to stand against hundreds of your industry peers. answer the following questions: We hope you find this resource helpful as you • What is the current outlook of Account continue on your own path to ABM success! Based Marketing in 2019? • Where are companies in their ABM journey? • What are the top challenges related to ABM? • Who owns ABM internally? • What kind of investment do most companies make in ABM? 3

CHAPTER 1 Habits of Section at a Glance What makes organizations successful at ABM Successful Organizations 4

CHAPTER 1 First and foremost, we wanted to learn what makes certain organizations successful with ABM. Of those companies seeing positive ROI with ABM: • 72% have good alignment between Sales and Marketing. • 62% are sophisticated in their use of content, web personalization, and ads. • 50% have become more sophisticated with their measurement of ABM. • 58% are sophisticated with ABM plays. Note: Correlation based on recipient describing their sophis- tication as “decent,” “solid,” or “awesome” in our study. Let’s dig into the results of our survey across all participants. WHAT IS MARKETING ORCHESTRATION? 5

CHAPTER 2 ABM Section at a Glance ABM Spending Investments Tactical Spending ABM Maturity and Resources Roles and responsibilities: ROI of ABM 6

CHAPTER 2 ABM Spending However, the companies surveyed in this study planned to increase their spend to 29% of their total marketing What percent of your budget will be dedicated budget in 2019. That represents an increase of 8% YoY. to ABM in 2019? 29% Average Marketing 29% Budget Dedicated to ABM in 2019 ABM Budgets are set to increase 8% this year Consistent with the findings from last year’s Outlook Survey on ABM from Engagio, 21% of the average 2018 marketing budget was allocated to ABM programs. ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 7

CHAPTER 2 Tactical Spending Which areas do you plan to invest more in 2019? What tactics are B2B marketers planning to spend Content 50% more on in 2019? It turns out, content is STILL king. Sales & Marketing Alignment 46.73% 50% of B2B marketers plan to invest more in content Target Account Selection 46.13% for ABM in 2019, followed closely by an increased investment in Sales and Marketing Alignment ABM Ads 43.75% (46.73%) and Target Account Selection (46.13%). Events 43.75% CRM Data Accuracy 43.45% Measurement 42.26% Direct Mail 39.88% Account Insights 37.8% Web Personalization 35.71% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Top 3 areas companies plan on spending more on are Content, Sales & Marketing, and Target Account Selection ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 8

CHAPTER 2 The way companies are spending their budget aligns Sales and Marketing dream team: It’s no surprise that aligning well to three things that make ABM successful: Sales and Marketing is a large area of spend for 47% of organiza- tions in 2019. Your revenue engine works best when these teams Content provides clues: According to research by Edelman are working in lockstep. and LinkedIn, a majority of B2B buyers feel that your thought leadership is one of the best ways to get a sense of the type Many organizations actively avoid calling it “ABM” in order and caliber of thinking your organization is likely to deliver. Don’t to indicate how important it is for Sales to be involved. They underinvest in something so critical to earning the attention, and could call it “Account Based Management,” or “Account Based trust, of your potential buyer. Everything,” while others call it an “Account-First Initiative.” TOPO recommends that relevant content TIP: Your goal should be to move beyond alignment, where for ABM does four things: each team acts independently but in a coordinated fashion, to activation, where Marketing takes a stronger leadership role, A. Educates a buyer on their space activating Sales at the right time in order to move the business B. Is contextualized to the buyer’s business forward (especially when the human touch is required). The highest-performing teams have fully integrated Sales and C. Prescribes a plan of action Marketing, and both departments work together as a single team. D. Allows the buyer to experience the process and eventual outcome ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 9

CHAPTER 2 Think about a soccer team playing perfectly in sync on G. Intent data - what signs a company is showing the field. Players might have distinctly different posi- that they’re in the market for solutions like yours tions — offense and defense — but they pass the ball (e.g. topics being researched by executives) back and forth in an integrated process. H. Engagement data - how engaged an account is with your company right now (e.g. web analytics, marketing Target Account Selection: The first step in any automation or Engagio engagement reports, CRM data). account-based strategy is defining and selecting your target accounts. It’s an ongoing and essential process to driving growth with ABM. Budget is being allocated to four types of data used to identify the best high-fit companies to target: E. Firmographics - what company characteristics best predict a successful sales process (e.g. company size, industry) F. Technographics - what technologies the organization currently uses (complimentary to yours, or that which rules out your solution) ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 10

CHAPTER 2 Where is your company at in its ABM journey? Because of this, though teams are varied in their state of adoption, 93% of those surveyed are either using ABM today, No plans to get started 7.25% or planning to soon. The majority of organizations surveyed Thinking about getting are either doing a pilot program with ABM (26%),or have fully 18.29% rolled out an ABM program in the last 6 months (26%). started in the next 6 months Doing a pilot program 26.09% What percent of your overall marketing Full program rolled out 26.09% team is involved in ABM? in last 5 months Full program in place 17.68% for less than 2 years Involved with Full program in place for 4.64% 40% ABM 40% longer than 2 years 0% 10% 20% 30% ABM Adoption is Prevalent, But Early Though B2B organizations have always sold to accounts On Average, Nearly Half of the (it is called business-to-business after all), ABM as a Marketing Team is Involved in ABM category and named initiative has recently been propped up by the sheer number of capabilities related to data, On average, organizations surveyed report 40% of their targeting, campaign execution, and measurement. marketing team to be involved in the company’s ABM initiative. ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 11

CHAPTER 2 ABM doesn’t require a wholesale change to your marketing Marketing Operations – tags accounts in CRM, and helps team. The truth is, you can get started with ABM right away with data appending to build out contact records. and increase your team’s involvement over time. If you’re just getting started, call upon your current marketing team to spin For more details on the roles and responsibilities of a up a pilot program to prove ABM success before fully investing. high-performance ABM team, download this worksheet. Roles and responsibilities: ABM Lead – often the head of marketing, this individual spearheads the initiative, develops playbooks and the technology infrastructure needed, tracks metrics and communications program success. They’re responsible for coordination with other departments and communication across the entire team. Product Marketing – helps to figure out the ICP (Ideal Customer Profile), ranking accounts based on best fit for your company. Marketing Manager – runs the program mix, crafting account-specific emails and messages, nurturing relationships and supporting Sales. ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 12

CHAPTER 2 Who is currently the owner of ABM in your organization? 28% of respondents indicated the Chief Marketing Officer or Vice President of Marketing currently CMO / VP Marketing 28.27% owns the ABM initiative at their organization. Head of Demand Gen 23.51% Head of ABM (must have ABM title) 8.04% Frequently (at 24% of companies,) the Head of Demand Head of Field Marketing 5.06% Generation is tasked with ownership of ABM. This Head of Marketing Operations 6.55% makes sense, as the ultimate goal of this initiative is to Head of Digital Marketing 6.55% drive revenue and demand within key accounts. Sales 4.76% CEO 2.08% Head of Product Marketing 1.19% Interestingly, 8% of organizations have a dedicated Customer Success 0.30% person focused on ABM, going so far as to include “ABM” 0% 15% 30% in their title. A quick LinkedIn search finds over 2,000 open job positions across the US related to ABM. 28% of respondents indicated the Chief Marketing We expect to see this trend rise as more organizations Officer or Vice President of Marketing currently mature in their adoption of this key initiative. owns the ABM initiative at their organization ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 13

CHAPTER 2 ROI of ABM What is your current ROI with ABM? When asked to report the ROI of their ABM efforts, the majority I haven’t started 52.71% of respondents (53%) reveal they haven’t started to measure it. to measure I don’t know 18.98% This is not surprising, given the relatively early stage maturity how to measure of those surveyed, but it indicates the state of the broader 0 – 25% 12.95% B2B marketing industry. This is a major gap to overcome. 26 – 50% 6.63% The ITSMA reports that ABM returns the highest ROI of any B2B marketing initiative – but unless that promise 51 – 75% 2.11% can be realized and measured within organizations, it will be difficult to secure the right budget, resources, 76 – 100% 1.81% and executive buy-in for successful ABM programs. 101 – 200% 2.71% 200% + 2.11% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 53% of respondents reveal they haven’t started to measure ABM ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 14

CHAPTER 3 ABM Tactics Section at a Glance ABM Maturity and Details Revenue and Bookings ABM Measurement ABM Program and Target Accounts Top ABM Challenges Learning About ABM ABM Technology Essential Tools 15

CHAPTER 3 ABM Maturity The majority of organizations surveyed are either operating We asked which core areas of ABM were under control with a full program rolled out in the last six months (26%) (“decent” “solid” or “awesome”) and which were still areas or currently doing a pilot program (26%). Many have had of improvement for firms (“very early” or “early.”) their full program in place for less than two years (18%). Where is your company at in its ABM journey? No plans to get started 7.25% Thinking about getting started in the 18.25 next 6 months Doing a pilot program 26.09% Full program rolled out in the last 6 months 26.09 Full program in place for less than 2 years 17.68% Full program in place for longer than 2 years 4.64% 0% 10% 20% 30% The majority of the companies are early on in their ABM maturity ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 16

CHAPTER 3 Rate your sophistication in core ABM areas. Marketing + Sales Establishing a Running ABM ABM Content, Web Measurement Alignment Unified Account Plays Personalization & Ads of ABM Foundation 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 72% 9% 0% 77% 78% 7 7 . .46% . 7 15.22%24. 28.96%23.58%7 18.92%28.53%26.13%19.82%6.61%31.27 25.08%11.18%4.23%29. 34.24%20.61%11.21%4.24%36.45%31.93%1 9.34%4.52% Very early Early Decent Teams are best at aligning with sales and establishing Solid Awesome accounts; worst at measurement and content ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 17

CHAPTER 3 Where we’re succeeding: Describe your sophistication in the following core ABM areas on a rating scale from 1-5. Respondents were most sophisticated in Marketing & Sales Alignment (60% report being “Decent,” “Solid,” or “Awesome” at it). Measurement of ABM 2.14 They’re also doing well establishing a unified account foun- dation (53% report being “Decent,” “Solid,” or “Awesome.”) ABM Content, Web 2.26 Personalization & Ads Where we have room for improvement: Running ABM Plays 2.28 Teams are least sophisticated in running ABM plays (only 4% are “awesome” at it) and measure- Establishing a Unified 2.67 ment of ABM (only 5% are “awesome” here.) Account Foundation Creating ABM content, web personalization, and ads, is also Marketing & Sales 2.83 Alignment a paramount struggle, as only 4% of teams characterize their Very Early Early Decent Solid Awesome maturity as “awesome” within this key program component. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The majority (64%) are “very early” or “early” in the process. Respondents reported that the area for biggest Revenue and Bookings improvement is measurement of ABM ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 18

CHAPTER 3 What % of your company bookings in 2019 will come from new business? (vs. existing customers) Bookings from new business 46% 50% 41% 46% 46% 40% 30% Bookings 54% 20% from existing customers 54% 10% 0% 2018 2019 More Bookings Are Predicted from More Revenue in 2019 Will Come Existing Customers in 2019 from Net-New Accounts Companies reported 47% of their 2018 company book- ings coming from new business (compared to that from On average, companies generated 41% of their 2018 revenue from existing customers.) In 2019, organizations forecast a new business (compared to revenue from existing customers.) similar pace, predicting 46% of their company bookings In 2019, however, organizations plan to acquire 46% of their to come from new business, vs. existing customers. company bookings from new business, an increase of 12% YoY. ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 19

CHAPTER 3 ABM Measurement Focuses on What ABM metrics do you track? Revenue and Engagement Pipeline Created 71.65% Too often, B2B marketers fall prey to ‘feel good’ analyt- Revenue Generated 69.82% ics like webinar registrations, banner impressions, and Account Engagement published pieces of content. While fine, such ABM 61.89% metrics don’t quantify business outcomes or lay neces- Newly Engaged Accounts 51.83% sary groundwork for improving marketing ROI. Meetings Set 51.83% Marketing Qualified Accounts 46.34% (MQAs) Win Rate 45.43% Average Contract Value 39.33% Deal Velocity 30.49% Other 3.66% 0% 20% 40% 60% The top 3 most common ABM metrics tracked are Pipeline Created, Revenue Generated and Account Engagement ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 20

CHAPTER 3 Respondents measure a mixture of impact (e.g. revenue “Engagement has become more generated) and activity (e.g. meetings set) related to their ABM important because ABM strate- efforts. The majority of companies surveyed focus on impact such as pipeline created (72%) and revenue generated (70%). gies address a broader range of But, with long sales cycles common to B2B deals, business goals that focus on the entire it’s important to track engagement and meaningful customer life cycle and penetration activity along the way towards a deal closing, such as within accounts or market segments. account engagement (62% measure this today.) Measuring engagement is the process of finding out whether – Allison Snow, Forrester Research the right people at the account are spending time with your company, and if that engagement is going up over time. At Engagio, we use the number of minutes someone spends with your brand as a way to track engagement. Another critical impact metric is deal velocity. Only 30% of respondents measure this today, though ABM has been proven to accelerate the speed at which a deal closes. ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 21

CHAPTER 3 Tools Used to Measure ABM ABM Program and Target Accounts CRM tools (65%) and Marketing Automation systems Organizations who are confident in their ICPs compared (44%) are most frequently used to measure ABM success, to those who are not confident experienced dramat- followed by Engagio’s purpose-built ABM platform (28%). ically better success - 68% higher account win rates, according to a study by analyst firm, TOPO. What are you currently using for the measurement of your ABM efforts? How many total target accounts do you currently have? CRM 65.43% Marketing Automation 43.83% 101-500 (16.54%) 510-1,000 (11.54%) Engagio 28.40% ㄓㄓ5,000+ (15.54%) 11-50 (8.08%) Excel 24.07% N/A (16.54%) 51-100 (16.54%) Tableau 14.20% 101-500 (16.54%) 0-10 (6.54%) Other 13.58% Bizible 8.33% LeanData 3.70% When it comes to overall number of target accounts, BrightFunneI 3.09% companies vary widely in their selection Full Circle Insights 2.16% 0% 18% 35% 53% 70% CRM is the most frequently used tool to measure ABM ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 22

CHAPTER 3 We also sought to understand the number of How many target accounts do you currently have accounts within three specific account tiers. These in “tier 1” or equivalent? tiers dictate the type of account, and the tactics used to engage them will be different. For example: 11-50 (26.44%) 0-10 (18.31%) Your ABM program may focus on one specific tier or might combine strategies and activities for each tier. But 101-500 (17.63%) thinking about account sizes and numbers in this way 51-100 (15.59%) will help guide your thinking about resource allocation, N/A (12.20%) level of automation and impacts on scalability. 501-1000 (4.75%) 1001-5000 (3.73%) In our survey, respondents indicated the 5000+ (1.36%) following account distribution: The majority of companies (27%) have between 11-50 tier 1 target accounts ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 23

CHAPTER 3 The majority of companies surveyed have When it comes to Tier 2 accounts, most companies in between 11-50 Tier 1 accounts – the biggest and our survey manage between 51 and 100 accounts. most important target accounts in ABM. How many target accounts do you currently How many target accounts do you currently have in “tier 3” or equivalent? have in “tier 2” or equivalent? N/A (25.95%) 51-100 (21.66%) 101-500 (15.65%) N/A (17.65%) 1,001-5,000 (11.45%) 101-500 (17.33%) 51-100 (11.07%) 11-50 (15.88%) 11-50 (10.31%) 501-1,000 (11.55%) 0-10 (9.54%) 1,001-5,000 (6.68%) 501-1,000 (9.16%) 0-10 (6.5%) 5000+ (6.87%) 5000+ (2.53%) The majority of companies (26%) The majority of companies (22%) have havedon’t have a “tier 3” or equivalent between 51-100 tier 2 target accounts Tier 3 accounts saw the least variation, with a relatively equal distribution among our survey audience. These ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 24

CHAPTER 3 accounts are best served with programmatic ABM. Do you plan to increase, decrease, or keep the same amount of target account in 2019? [Callout] Programmatic, one-to-many ABM is a style of ABM that targets desired accounts without dedicated personal- ization and customization. Each account is generally worth between $25K to $100K per year, and a company can have 53% Stay the same (35%) thousands at any given time. Such accounts do not receive 35% personalize interactions or account plans. At Engagio, each Decrease (12%) AE tends to manage one hundred programmatic accounts. Increase (53%) The most cost-effective tactics for Programmatic ABM 12% are email marketing, account advertising, and direct mail. Most companies are increasing the number The majority of companies (54%) plan in increase of accounts they’re targeting in 2019. the number of target accounts in the coming year As businesses seek to do what they are meant to do – Note: To clarify, more is not necessarily always better! Decreasing grow – it’s no surprise the number of target accounts in the number of target accounts may indicate that a company 2019 is on the rise. 54% of companies surveyed plan to has tightened its target account criteria. ABM works because increase their number of target accounts this year. it focuses relevant campaign touches on a defined set of high-value accounts. Focus is the name of the game. ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 25

CHAPTER 3 Top ABM Challenges The most common challenge related to ABM is poor data quality. 19% of respondents reported this to be What were your biggest challenges for executing your their #1 challenge for executing ABM in 2018. ABM in 2018? Data quality issues 18.56% “Data and analytics help you Not being able to measure ROI 13.77% prioritize accounts and measure Lack of alignment with sales 13.77% Lack of headcount 12.57% success. Modern marketing Lack of executional ability 11.68% is dependent on data and analytics Account selection 8.98% Lack of tools/tech 7.78% for targeting, nurturing and closing Lack of budget 7.19% opportunities. Data also gives you the Lack of executive Buying 5.69% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% complete picture of the account that The top 3 challenges for executing ABM in lets you execute the right tactic at the 2018 were data quality issues, not being able to right time.” measure ROI and lack of alignment with sales – Rishi Dave, CMO, Vonage ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 26

CHAPTER 3 A study conducted by Engagio last year sang a similar ABM Outlook Study 2018, Engagio tune: 18% of respondents reported data quality issues to be the biggest risk of ABM failing at their firm. ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Some good news: While last year the #1 risk of failure for ABM Account selection 8.98% was “lack of executional ability” (25% of respondents), this year that risk was reported by only 12% of respondents as their top barrier Data quality Issues 18.56% to success. As skills training and industry education improves, execution should be a reasonable hurdle to overcome. Lack of alignment with sales 13.77% Lack of executive buy-In 5.69% Lack of executional ability 11.68% Not being able to 13.77% measure ROI Lack of tools/tech 7.78% Lack of headcount 12.57% Lack of budget 7.19% ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 27

CHAPTER 3 Learning About ABM Where do you currently go to learn about ABM? We wanted to know where our survey participants go to Webinars 71.25% improve their ABM skills. Webinars (71%), blogs (58%) and whitepapers (51%) rounded out the top three resources relied Blogs 58.10% upon for ABM education. Asking peers is another top source Whitepapers 51.38% of insight for professionals (35%), followed by the advice of analyst firms like Forrester and SiriusDecisions (33%). Peer Interactions 34.86% SiriusDecisions/Forrester 33.03% LinkedIn and Tradeshows 29.97% Trades hows 29.66% Online Communities 29.05% Podcasts 21.41% LinkedIn Groups 19.88% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% The top 3 places people to go learn about ABM are webinars, blogs and whitepapers ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 28

CHAPTER 3 ABM Technology What are the essential tools you can’t do ABM without? More companies than ever are investing in Account Based Marketing (ABM) technology. CRM 81.65% Marketing Automation 70.64% This year, 80% of organizations are planning to purchase LinkedIn 49.24% new solutions in four or more ABM technology cate- gories — a 28% increase according to TOPO. Engagio 30.58% DiscoverOrg 20.18% According to TOPO, “As organizations move from pilots to repeatable, scalable programs, technology investments in Other 12.54% account-based platforms, data sources, and account Terminus 11.31% insights are required to achieve expanding expectations.” Sandoso 10.40% Demandbase 10.09% LeanData 9.79% 0% 23% 45% 68% The top 3 tools that people can’t do ABM without are CRM, Marketing Automation and LinkedIn ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 29

CHAPTER 3 When asked to share the tools deemed essential for Account Based Marketing, most organizations rely on foundational technologies. 82% report using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology (no surprise given how much critical data it houses about leads, prospects, and customer engagement.) In addition, 70.1% of firms also report using marketing automation for their ABM efforts. The other required technology for ABM is Lead-to-Account (L2A) matching, managed through tools like Engagio (used by 31% of firms surveyed), and LeanData (used by 10% of firms surveyed). Combined with CRM and marketing automation, this creates a single view of accounts. Outside of these three foundational technologies, LinkedIn was deemed an essential ABM technology, ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 30

CHAPTER 3 CRM Selection When it comes to the particular CRM used by firms, 85% of organizations surveyed use Salesforce. What CRM(s) is your company using? Salesforce 85.07% Other 6.57% Microsoft 5.67% Oracle 2.09% SAP 0.60% Netsuite 0.00% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% The overwhelming majority (82%) of the companies in our survey are using Salesforce for their CRM ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 31

CHAPTER 4 Survey Section at a Glance Who is represented in this study Methodology Industry Company Size Job Function Seniority Team Size 32

CHAPTER 4 A comprehensive survey was conducted in December 2018 and January 2019, fielded by Engagio and Other (7.4%) Healthcare (3.5%) Salesforce Pardot. 486 individual responses were Media Entertainment (2.5%) Telecommunications (4.3%) recorded. Participants were offered the chance to win Financial Services (2.5%) Computer & Software (5%) one of two Visa gift cards in the amount of $250. Manufacturing (3.3%) Business Services (11.2%) Education (3.3%) Software & Internet (55.5%) Who is Represented in This Study? S SPONSE Industry RE Industry t 55.49% erne t e & In ar ftw So es 11.18% The majority of our findings come from organizations in the Business Servic 7% tail 4.9 e e R ar ftw & So er Software and Internet industry, followed by Business Services, Comput ommunicalions 4.25% eiec Computer & Software Retail, and Telecommunications. T edm 3.52% t euticals, a Blo , Pharmac cr tthcar ea H riucailon 3.31% E acturing 3.31% anuf M es 2.48% Servic W Finanda 7% onics 2.0 ers & Electr Comput SURVEY METHODOLOGY 33

CHAPTER 4 Company Size Organizations of all sizes are represented in our findings, with a $1B+ (12%) $10M-$50M (25.7%) majority of respondents (62%) from organizations between 51 and $500m-$1B (5.1%) $5M-$10M (9.4%) 1,000 employees, and between $10M - $150M in annual revenue. $150M-$500M (13.7%) $1M-$5M (12.9%) $50M-150M (17.6%) Less than $1M (3.6%) 100,000+ (1.9%) 2,501-5,000 (3.1%) 10,001-100,000 (5.6%) 1,001-2,500 (11.5%) S SPONSE enue RE v e R Annual 5,001-10,000 (4.7%) 51-1,000 (61.6%) $1B+ 11.99% 0-50 (11.5%) $500M – $1B 5.14% 0% 7 $150M – $500M 13. .56% 7 $50M – $150M 1 0% 7 $10M – $50M 25. S $5M – $10M 9.42% SPONSE ees RE y mplo E f # o $1M – $5M 12.85% 100,000+ 1.86% ess than $1M 3.64% L 7% 100.000 5.5 - 10.001 4% 7 10,000 4, - 5,001 -5,000 3.09% 2,501 2,500 11.55% - 1,001 1,000 61.65% - 51 0-50 11.55% SURVEY METHODOLOGY 34

CHAPTER 4 Job Function Seniority The vast majority of respondents were from the Marketing S SPONSE ole RE ob R J department (74%), with light representation from Sales (11.36%) el/VP 12.99% v C-le or 23.51% ect and Sales Development (7.85%). We also heard from revenue Dir anager 34.64% operations, product, and Digital Experience professionals. M or 28.87% tribut Con Individual S SPONSE unction RE ob F J ting 73.55% e ark M Sales 11.36% Other (2.6%) .85% t 7 elopmen v Sales De 2.55% Sales Development (8%) Other ounder 1.45% Sales (11.6%) /F O CE ess 1.24% c Suc omer Cust Marketing (75.1%) Individual Cintributor (28.9%) Manager (34.6%) Director (23.5%) C-level/VP (12%) SURVEY METHODOLOGY 35

CHAPTER 4 Team Size S SPONSE unction RE ob F J ting 73.55% e ark We tracked the average size of respondents’ Marketing, M Account Executive*, and Sales Development teams. Sales 11.36% .85% t 7 elopmen v Sales De *(Not including Sales Engineers) Other 2.55% ounder 1.45% /F O CE ess 1.24% c Suc omer Cust 60% Marketing Team Account Execurive Team Sales Development Team 40% 20% 0% 1-10 11-25 26-50 51-100 101-500 500+ SURVEY METHODOLOGY 36

CHAPTER 4 About Engagio About Salesforce Pardot Engagio is built for marketers, by marketers. As a Pardot is B2B marketing on the world's #1 CRM. Pardot company, we believe in making our customers success- empowers marketing and sales teams to work together ful by providing them with software solutions that to find and nurture leads, close more deals, and maximize help orchestrate quality growth at scale. ROI. Pardot turns everyday marketers into revenue-gener- ating superheroes. Our easy-to-use marketing automation Engagio’s Account Based Marketing Automation platform gives you the tools to create, deploy, and manage Platform enables B2B marketers to execute and measure online marketing campaigns that drive real results. account-centric programs in one complete solution. Revenue teams can track which accounts are engaging, know where to focus time and resources, and have a shared understanding of program impact. Our platform grows with you as your ABM strategy and business needs evolve. Backed by leading venture investors and headquartered in San Mateo, CA, Engagio was named as one of the Top 10 Best Small Companies to Work For in the Bay Area, and is on the JMP Securities 2018 Hot 100 List of Privately Held Software Companies. To learn more, visit www.engagio.com. SURVEY METHODOLOGY 37

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