CHAPTER 3 ABM Measurement Focuses on What ABM metrics do you track? Revenue and Engagement Pipeline Created 71.65% Too often, B2B marketers fall prey to ‘feel good’ analyt- Revenue Generated 69.82% ics like webinar registrations, banner impressions, and Account Engagement published pieces of content. While fine, such ABM 61.89% metrics don’t quantify business outcomes or lay neces- Newly Engaged Accounts 51.83% sary groundwork for improving marketing ROI. Meetings Set 51.83% Marketing Qualified Accounts 46.34% (MQAs) Win Rate 45.43% Average Contract Value 39.33% Deal Velocity 30.49% Other 3.66% 0% 20% 40% 60% The top 3 most common ABM metrics tracked are Pipeline Created, Revenue Generated and Account Engagement ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 20