CHAPTER 2 Tactical Spending Which areas do you plan to invest more in 2019? What tactics are B2B marketers planning to spend Content 50% more on in 2019? It turns out, content is STILL king. Sales & Marketing Alignment 46.73% 50% of B2B marketers plan to invest more in content Target Account Selection 46.13% for ABM in 2019, followed closely by an increased investment in Sales and Marketing Alignment ABM Ads 43.75% (46.73%) and Target Account Selection (46.13%). Events 43.75% CRM Data Accuracy 43.45% Measurement 42.26% Direct Mail 39.88% Account Insights 37.8% Web Personalization 35.71% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Top 3 areas companies plan on spending more on are Content, Sales & Marketing, and Target Account Selection ABM INVESTMENTS AND RESOURCES 8