CHAPTER 3 What % of your company bookings in 2019 will come from new business? (vs. existing customers) Bookings from new business 46% 50% 41% 46% 46% 40% 30% Bookings 54% 20% from existing customers 54% 10% 0% 2018 2019 More Bookings Are Predicted from More Revenue in 2019 Will Come Existing Customers in 2019 from Net-New Accounts Companies reported 47% of their 2018 company book- ings coming from new business (compared to that from On average, companies generated 41% of their 2018 revenue from existing customers.) In 2019, organizations forecast a new business (compared to revenue from existing customers.) similar pace, predicting 46% of their company bookings In 2019, however, organizations plan to acquire 46% of their to come from new business, vs. existing customers. company bookings from new business, an increase of 12% YoY. ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 19

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