Phone and voicemail (cont’d) t Based t elopmen The TOPO voicemail v oun c c art 9 A f framework P The WHERE oSales De The voicemail framework provides a step-by-step process for creating and delivering impactful voicemails. This research note will explore each element The top 20 performers in TOPO’s Sales of the framework in more depth. Development Benchmark Report leave 29.5 voicemails a day and an average of 3.8 voicemails over 17.6 days per prospect. 22–25 Seconds Pre-voicemail Establish Deliver Call to Send research trust value action email Voicemails should Spend no more Differentiate yourself Tailor your message Always close with one Either send your email be no more than than three minutes by leveraging your to be as relevant simple call to action. prior to leaving a voicemail, 20 to 25 seconds to find two to three pre-voicemail research as possible to your Don’t tiptoe around or queue it up to send in length, and should key points that will to build rapport with prospect. Don’t just the topic; ask for what immediately afterward. be immediately help you establish your prospects. pitch your product. you want. followed by an email. trust and deliver value. 77