Phone and voicemail (cont’d) t Based t elopmen v oun c c art 9 A f Trish Bertuzzi’s 4 rules P The WHERE oSales De of voicemail Trish Bertuzzi recommends short voicemails – under 40 seconds. These are her four rules from the terrific Sales Development Playbook (examples ours). 1) Be different and be relevant 3) Don’t reference previous attempts Don’t just ‘touch base’. State the reason for These highlight failure and don’t add up to the call and share relevant, useful information. a relevant reason to call. Friendly ghosting ‘Ghosting’ is calling a prospect but “I saw you speak at WAPworld yesterday. “I left two messages and sent an email last week. not leaving a voicemail message if Great talk. You referenced some data about Just making sure you got them.” [Guilt trip] you don’t connect live. It’s a low-value SMS and I wanted to make sure you got a copy touch but sometimes a valuable one of our latest report…” 4) Don’t trick prospects in a wider, multi-touch Play. Some Never pretend to be an acquaintance or bullshit SD leaders design ghosting into 2) Be specific with the ask in any way. There’s no trust without integrity. their Plays. Ask for a reply to your email… just make it clear what you want them to do. “Hey Dan, Bob. Give a call when you get a mo: 555 777 5555. Thanks, Bud.” [Yuk] “If you can respond to my email before Thursday I can be sure to get you a place at the roundtable Bottom line: never let your SDRs think in town next week.” of voicemail as a failed attempt to make a connection. A confident, upbeat, clear and compelling voicemail is a high-quality connection. 78