Phone and voicemail (cont’d) t Based t elopmen v oun c c art 9 A f Voicemail P The WHERE oSales De Because very few people return voicemail messages from SDRs (from 0-1% ever do), too many think of them as failed attempts Don’t expect a callback. to make contact. Nothing is further from the For voicemail messages, leaving your truth: a well-planned voicemail is a valuable phone number twice (at the beginning touchpoint and a key part of every Play. and end) is a dying practice. Not only do you get to deliver a message with In fact, don’t even ask for a callback added voice and a personal touch; you’ve – ask the prospect to review your note also put a marker down and made another so you can set up a meeting. Most impression. Research shows that a voicemail people (especially introverts) are just message increases the likelihood of getting not going to call back someone they a response to a later email: all of a sudden, don’t know. So make it easy for them. there’s a person behind those messages. “Hi, this is Mike calling from Green The double touch Leads. There’s no reason to return this Some experts say the instant voicemail/email phone call, but if you could reply to combination – known as the ‘double touch’ the email I sent yesterday— I’ll send or ‘double tap’ –can significantly increase email it again — I’d really appreciate it...” response rates. Others have found it less effective. Do your own testing with your Recognize everyone’s natural prospect base. resistance to being sold to – and soften it. 76