t Based t elopmen v oun c c art 9 A f 2. Phone and voicemail P The WHERE oSales De Outbound calling is an extremely important part Tips • Be brief – a short call can be more successful of any ABSD strategy – including both live calls • Start strong – just as with emails, the opening is than a long one – if you get what you came for. (rare but valuable) and voicemails (the unsung important. Don’t waste it with slow introductions. super-tactic). Dive in. “… just making sure you got the new book we sent you.” Actually achieving a live call is a big win “Hi Doug, I read your post on AI yesterday and – but don’t hold your breath. TOPO estimates wanted to reach out. I’ve got some data that • Once you’ve established permission, ask open that it takes 18 dials to actually connect with I think is right in your sweet spot and wanted but pointed questions – get the prospect to talk a buyer. (Most SDRs give up long before to send it over…” about his or her challenges. that – a big mistake). • Get to value fast – the ‘What’s in it for me?’ “Can you tell me how you guys solve The live call question is burning in the prospect’s mind. this today?” If you do actually connect with a buyer, Answer it as quickly as you can. be prepared. SDRs should have a call guide • Ask for the next step – know what you called that helps them get straight to the point and “My head of research has just finished for and ask for it clearly and directly. avoid the waffling that tends to characterize a benchmark report that shows some un-rehearsed calls. interesting things about your competitors.” “Can I set up a quick call with our CTO in the next week?” Unlike voicemail or email, voice calls are two-way communications that allow the SDR Too often, the SDR will jettison the carefully to ask questions and listen hard for the answers. planned relationship-building program and, But this skill doesn’t always come easily to less in a rush of adrenaline, try to turn into a closer. experienced SDRs. Training and coaching That’s a shame, because a helpful, high-value (covered in the next section) are keys to call with an SDR who really listens is a building skills in the back and forth of the compelling experience that can significantly live sales development call. accelerate an opportunity. 75