eam t t wing and elopmen art 11ov Promotion paths P Grmanaging a sales de Most SDRs see the role as the first stepping Type of career path/promotion tracks stone for a career in Sales. That’s great for you – it’s a source for people who often become Step-promotions 46% Companies with step (micro-) your best Account Execs – but it also puts (Junior SDR, Associate SDR, promotions achieve a 6% higher a strain on the sales development team, Senior SDR, etc.) Pipeline Power Score. But companies constantly draining it of its best reps. with a defined SDR-to-AE path actually Promotion across teams 35% achieve a 9% lower PPS (robbing Peter To give SDRs a sense of career progression (Inbound, outbound, enterprise, etc.) to pay Paul?) within the role, many companies implement a series of step promotions: Into a quota-carrying role 58% Bridge Group (e.g. , SDR to AE, etc.) • Associate SDR – until they make the grade • SDR – during full productivity Source: Bridge Group SDR Report • Senior SDR – as they progress to mentor others The bottom line: Carefully managed promotions These micro-promotions progress in defined, are an important part of running an SDR team. ‘Ramp-Achieve-Advance’ cycles that last from But don’t let promotions happen too soon – you four to six months each. don’t want to always be losing your best SDRs! Micro-promotions are popular (as the table shows) but you may also need defined paths into other sales development roles (such as outbound) and a path into quota-carrying AE roles. 114