eam t t wing and elopmen art 11ov SDR job tenure P Grmanaging a sales de Sales Development has one of the shortest Clearly, it would be great if you could increase job tenures of any role in business. TOPO puts the average tenure of your SDRs, but most the average at 14.3 months while Bridge Group experts accept that short tenure goes with We like the way Craig Rosenberg shows a 14 month average – a sharp decline the territory. This is a very tough job, full of thinks about it: from the 2.4 years seen in 2009. rejection and prone to burnout. It’s populated “The short tenure is a trade-off. In return, by ambitious (impatient) young people who you get awesome, motivated young Think about that. The average SDR stays in are eager to get into Sales – at double the people who absolutely kill it for a year the job for 14 months. Subtract three months income and glory. or so.” for onboarding and ramp and you’ve got less than a year of full productivity before the rep Put that all together and it’s no surprise moves on. that SDRs move on so quickly. If ‘moving on’ means moving up into an AE Yes, you can extend the tenure of your role with your company, it doesn’t hurt quite SDRs with a lot of attention, great training as much. But if your company only sells and mentoring and a full commitment to an to enterprises, you’re probably losing them account based approach. But you’re unlikely entirely (you’re unlikely to move them to push the average tenure much closer to straight from SDR to an enterprise AE role). two years. 113