eam t t wing and elopmen art 11ov Coaching P Gr managing a sales de Coaching is a critical aspect of managing SDRs. You’re turning inexperienced graduates into pipeline creators. That doesn’t happen without SDR coaching hacks front-line coaching sessions in which the Jason Richman, Senior Sales Manager at Hubspot, suggests these SDR coaching techniques: manager can zoom in on specific skills gaps and reinforce positive behaviors. • Team competitions – Whenever a meeting is created, post it to the CRM system and make it a competition between reps Sales Development Managers should commit to 4-6 hours per month of coaching per SDR, • Group call reviews – Hubspot holds weekly “SDR Film Clubs” to review and analyze recorded including three activities: calls by their rock start SDRs 1. Observe what they’re doing – watching • Peer mentorship – Connecting new SDRs with top performers for one-to-one mentoring them interact • Manager one-on-ones – Weekly meetings to review pipeline, Play activities 2. Diagnose their behaviors – and align them and call recordings to the defined process • Call assists – Once a week, Jason books an hour with each rep to make connect calls together. 3. Prescribe specific actions – to encourage He doesn’t participate in the calls but is there to suggest questions and review the call right away correct behaviors and enhance skills Given Hubspot’s hyper-growth, these are tips we’d all do well to follow. There are many behaviors to monitor but coaches need to focus their attention on the (Thanks, Jason). critical skills of the SDR role: outreach, messaging, call skills, Play cadences and metrics. Good training doesn’t just improve SDR performance, it improves job satisfaction and helps keep them in role longer. 112