TOPO’s 2018 Account-Based Technology Report TOPO’s report asked the order in which The report also asked respondents to rank the respondents would implement account-based importance of each category. technology. The top scoring categories were: 1. Contact and Account Data: You can’t go after % Rating Account-Based Technology as Important/Very Important key personas at key accounts if you don’t know Account Data 89% who they are. 2. Marketing Automation: A foundational element Measurement & Attribution 86% of the marketing technology stack for most Contact Data organizations. 84% 3. Measurement & Attribution: Rated the #2 most Lead Matching & Routing important ABM category after Account Data, this 80% is required because ABM metrics are so different Intent Data 75% from traditional. 4. Account-Based Advertising: Most companies Marketing Automation 73% start with LinkedIn. However, be careful of other investments here: the report found that only 34% Account-Based Orchestration 71% of respondents were satisfied with their ABM advertising solution. Predictive 70% 5. Lead Matching & Routing: Required to create Web Personalisation & the account-level view that is required for Content Customization 59% measurement, orchestration, etc. Account-Based Advertising 58% Direct Mail 53% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: TOPO´s 2018 Account-Based Technology Report 163

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