The ABM Market Map (cont’d) Measurement A few points to be aware of when considering Engagement & Sales Insight Journeys & Multi-Touch Attribution measurement technology: • Engagement measurement must go beyond web traffic — web traffic is important, but it’s only one piece of the picture. Getting insight into the type of engagement is key, from content downloads These tools track engagement, score and prioritize to email clicks to meetings and more. It’s all part accounts, and measure the impact of your ABM of building the relationship and closing deals, programs. Engagement measurement is a required thus it’s important to measure. category, since the cornerstone of Marketing is the • It’s essential to put your engagement insights in ability to measure and demonstrate results — and front of your sales team. What good is the metrics for your account-based efforts are measurement if you can’t act on the insights? different to traditional lead-based Marketing. • Account journeys and multi-touch attribution to There’s a shift from quantity to quality. prove value and ROI are increasingly an important piece of a complete ABM stack. The key is to focus on account-specific attribution and metrics, not lead-based analytics. 162