s e s s e c o r M p B III 7 A t e r a h P T 1: Few Meeting Incentive “ Keep in mind: it’s a marathon not a “I t takes an average of 9.82 touches to For target accounts that showed some sprint. Take a deep breath and plan engage with a prospect. We also find engagement (but not enough to be considered a drip campaign that unfolds over the that senior executives are 2.5 times ‘marketing qualified’), we coordinated a series of course of an entire quarter. Plan to more responsive to quality multi-touch emails and phone calls to Directors that might be interested in ABM. The offer: take a meeting to drop a dozen pieces of content evenly campaigns than are junior executives.” learn about ABM, and get a pair of Airpods as a paced throughout the quarter. Employ thank you. But unlike traditional campaigns, the a mix of 4:1 online:offline content. Dan McDade, emails didn’t come from Marketing; they were President & CEO, PointClear personalized, human emails that came from the For every four pieces of digital content SDR and the account executive. you provide, send one ‘old school’ item. Results: 38% meeting rate. It could be a handwritten letter, a reprint of an analyst report, or even a magazine or newspaper clipping with a post-it attached.” Craig Rosenberg, Co-Founder and Chief Analyst, TOPO 100

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