( ) Orchestration in action cont’d 1: Few Event Invitation Results: The personalized, human invitations Engagio held two events on the same day. The first resulted in a 9.4% attendee to invite ratio, versus was an Executive Breakfast targeting CMOs at 1.8% for the marketing automation blast — a 5X large, enterprise prospects and customers. The difference, even though it was targeted at top second was a broader ‘Lunch and Learn,’ targeting executives from larger companies. Beyond that, a contacts who were managers (and above) at a full 43% of invitees replied to the personal broad set of companies. outreach, even if it was to decline the personal invitation; this gave us the opportunity to start a For the executive event, we used an orchestrated conversation that in many cases led to a meeting. play consisting of: In contrast, nobody replied to the marketing automation email blast. • Step 1: An email from the Account Owner with personalized messaging explaining why they Executive Breakfast Manager Lunch and Learn specifically should attend the event. • Step 2: If no response, a ‘reply’ from me (Jon Invites Personalized Play Broad Marketing Automation Miller, Engagio’s CEO) specifically asking them 96 Invited 652 Invited to attend; this was also personalized where Response 10 Replied “Yes, I’ll Attend” 21 Registered appropriate to mention people I may know in 33 Replied “No” (starts conversation!) No declines — just crickets! common with the executive. Response Rate: 43% Response Rate: 3% • Step 3: If still no response, a phone call from the SDR, and if possible, an email to the target Attends 9 CMOs and VPs (9.4%) 12 Managers and Directors (1.8%) executive’s administrative assistant. In contrast, for the broader ‘Lunch and Learn’ we did a traditional two-step email blast out of Marketo. 101