s e s s e c o r M p B III 7 A t e r a h P T Newly Added / Engaged Prospects “ Account metrics usually also include a These metrics are predictors of future Adding contacts is important, but what’s really number of soft metrics which serve as success, particularly where ABM has valuable for ABM is to track how many of these leading indicators of ABM performance, not been in place long enough to net-new contacts at key accounts have recently including the number of executive deliver concrete financial results.” started a relationship with you. This is a great leading indicator of future success. relationships within the account, the A Practitioner’s Guide to Account Track flow by asking questions like “How many number of executive meetings, the Based Marketing, Bev Burgess and executives in our target list engaged with us for number of new relationships in new lines Dave Munn, ITSMA the first time last quarter?” While this metric may of business, and the quality of remind you of traditional lead generation, it’s the relationships. modified to reflect the fact that in ABM you build out the contact database in advance. Newly added Newly engaged Track how you build your database with the right people from target accounts. 112