s e s s e c o Engagement data r M p B III 7 A t e r a h for sales teams P T Sales and SDRs love engagement data as much In CRM as Marketing. They use it to: Reps also want to see engagement data where they spend another significant portion of their day • Identify highly interested accounts — the company’s CRM. • Find the best people to contact next • Understand how effectively Marketing is • Simple fields: Show total minutes for different supporting their efforts engagement types across time periods as • Prepare Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) custom fields on the Account and Contact. and other account reviews • Visual timelines: Map account engagement activities in a visual timeline. (These are In email like electrocardiogram [ECG] charts Most sales reps and SDRs appreciate weekly for account health.) (or daily!) emails about account engagement with key information, such as: • Most engaged accounts Pro tip • Accounts visiting the website Include online and offline activities • Newly engaged executives for leads and contacts, across • Interactions with key content assets Marketing and Sales. Tracking web or campaigns activity is not enough. Part of a weekly email highlighting target account insights for a particular rep. 118

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