CHAPTER 3 A study conducted by Engagio last year sang a similar ABM Outlook Study 2018, Engagio tune: 18% of respondents reported data quality issues to be the biggest risk of ABM failing at their firm. ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Some good news: While last year the #1 risk of failure for ABM Account selection 8.98% was “lack of executional ability” (25% of respondents), this year that risk was reported by only 12% of respondents as their top barrier Data quality Issues 18.56% to success. As skills training and industry education improves, execution should be a reasonable hurdle to overcome. Lack of alignment with sales 13.77% Lack of executive buy-In 5.69% Lack of executional ability 11.68% Not being able to 13.77% measure ROI Lack of tools/tech 7.78% Lack of headcount 12.57% Lack of budget 7.19% ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 27