eam Where the sales development t t wing and elopmen art 11o v team reports P Gr managing a sales de The sales development team can report to It’s still most common for SDR teams to report “The Marketing and Sales Sales, to Marketing or be its own department. into Sales. This is likely because SDRs often Development motions are really All of these can work well, as long as it’s run serve as a “farm team” for Sales, and so by a dedicated leader who understands the it makes sense that Sales does the hiring similar – and the messages discipline and its role in the Account Based and management. Also, the more the SDR must be highly synchronized, Everything ecosystem. team focuses on outbound prospecting, so the natural home for Sales the more likely it is to report to Sales – since Percentage reporting to sales by focus the prospecting skills are closer to the core Development may be Marketing.” sales skillset. Matt Amundson 64% That said, we’ve seen some ABSD teams Vice President – Inbound-focused move into Marketing, which argue is the Exclusively inbound qualification groups are 2.1x Sales Development more likely to report home for best practice ABE: 58% to Marketing. & Field Marketing, Mostly inbound qualification • Marketing and SD are both focused on creating EverString pipeline, while Sales is focused on closing it 72% • Marketing and SD both need a longer-term Approximately 50/50 mindset, in which opportunities are nurtured 80% • The concept of Account Based Everything requires orchestrating ABM and ABSD Mostly outbound prospecting activities into coordinate Plays 86% Our advice is that the ABSD team can live Exclusively outbound prospecting in either Sales or Marketing, but what matters is (a) Sales is responsible for hiring and Source: The Bridge Group: Sales Development training and (b) Marketing is responsible 2016: Metrics and Compensation Research Report for coordinating activities and Plays. 105