eam Specializing within t t wing and elopmen art 11o v outbound sales development? P Grmanaging a sales de Some SDR departments are themselves split But we’ve also seen those who warn against “I like specialization. Every time up into even more specialized teams: it. They feel that over-specialization decreases I break out a team to focus on management flexibility: if you lose a ‘mid- • By industry market healthcare SDR’ you’re left with a very a market size or a vertical, I see • By region specific gap to fill. Similarly, a specialized SDR big uplift. It lets us optimize • By account size may find it harder to move up into a sales role what works.” in a different niche. Of course, the bigger your We’ve seen SD leaders who swear by this team is, the less likely these concerns are Chad Burmeister – after all, specialization into Sales and SDR to happen. made sense, as did further specialization into Sr. Director, inbound and outbound Sales Development, The rule of thumb might be to dedicate Sales Development, RingCentral so why go further? The more you speak to the a portion of your team to a specific market only same audience, the better, the argument goes. if that market represents a significant segment that’s large and important to your business. 106