eam Territories t t wing and elopmen art 11ov and multiple locations P Gr managing a sales de Assigning your SDRs to accounts is another The round robin or pool approach tends Cons of multiple locations strategic decision that will be guided by the to apply more to inbound teams than unique dynamics of your situation. to outbound ABSD. • Challenges with collaboration • Possible retention issues in isolated teams Assigning SDRs to territories (rather than Multiple locations • Risk of culture split specific AEs) seems to be the dominant Many companies run their SDR teams from • Less clear or more complex career pathing method, as this Bridge Group data shows, but several locations – due to acquisitions and more and more companies are experimenting /or to the difficulty or expense of hiring all As with many ABSD issues, you can make with other options (such as named accounts) SDRs at headquarters. Secondary locations it work either way – as long as you apply to deal with the fact that opportunities are rarely tend to be in lower-cost areas that have best-practice hiring, onboarding, training equally distributed across territories. access to educated talent; The Bridge and coaching. Group says the most popular are Arizona, How territories are built Colorado, Georgia, North Carolina, and Utah. Factor | Percent using to determine territories 37% of groups have reps in the same Pros of multiple locations role working in different locations. Geography 60% • Increases the hiring pool The Bridge Group: Sales Development Named accounts 23% • Can hire in lower cost locations 2016: Metrics and Compensation • Maintain continuity of existing teams Research Report Round-robin 23% • Can foster healthy competition Verticals 18% • Natural A/B testing to improve overall performance Shark tank / pool 7% Source: Bridge Group 119