eam t t wing and elopmen art 11o v Reps to manager ratio P Gr managing a sales de Most SDR teams have a fairly flat structure, Number of SDRS to managers with each manager leading 6-10 SDRs (the 9.4 Bridge Group reports that the average ratio 9.5 is 1:8.1, while TOPO sees an average 1:8.7 ratio). A lower ratio doesn’t mean better performance s 9.0 r 8.7 8.7 – the same Bridge Group report found no ge relationship between SDR to manager ratio mana o 8.5 and Pipeline Performance. t S 8.1 R D S Interestingly, the Bridge Group did that SDR f o8.0 r e teams directly led by “managers” achieved 8% b m higher PPS than those with “directors” or “vice u N presidents” in first-line leadership roles. This 7.5 is likely because managers have more time to directly manage their SDRs, as opposed to 7.0 leaders with broader scope of responsibility. Average Enterprize Mid-market Startup Company Size TOPO: The 2016 Sales Development Benchmark Report 118