Social media (cont’d) t Based t elopmen v oun c c art 9 A f P The WHERE oSales De Jill Rowley’s 5 social selling tips Jill Rowley is one of the world’s top social selling evangelists (and an Engagio investor). Here, she shares her thoughts on social selling (adapted from a Hubspot interview). 1) Build personal credibility 3) Bring content to the conversation 5) Measure your returns Make your SDR’s social presence – and all their Content is the currency of social media. SDRs Social media can eat up a rep’s time. It’s interactions – about helping people succeed in shouldn’t just post your thoughts, they should important to be able to track engagements their jobs – not about blowing their own horns. add value by sharing relevant content. That to make sure that time is well-spent. One of includes content produced by your company the many social media monitoring tools can 2) Always be connecting and posts or pieces found out on the web help keep the whole team on track. Be wherever your prospects are and look for (with attribution of course). opportunities to help them further their goals. Retweet their tweets. Comment on their posts. 4) Sometimes listening is best (But don’t be creepy – authenticity wins). Reps don’t always have to engage at every opportunity. Sometimes learning something important and responding in another channel is best. 81