Human email (cont’d) t Based t elopmen v oun c c art 9 A f The “Lost Lamb” approach P The WHERE oSales De Aaron Ross, co-author of Predictable Revenue, developed a specific Other examples of this approach include emails that have the subject line type of prospecting email in his time at Salesforce. Instead of a traditional “Question” or a cryptic “XXX”. Our view is that while this ‘teasing’ approach sales email or call, he simply asks senior executives for help in finding can work, it should probably be reserved for Tier 3 accounts and you the right person to talk to, then uses the introduction as a door opener. should use more relevant messages for Tiers 1 and 2 (where you should His example: know the right person already!). Subject: Can you point me in the right direction? [firstname], I'm sorry to trouble you. Would you be so kind as to tell me who is responsible for [insert your biggest pain point here that resonates with your ideal customer; OR insert function like “sales” or “recruiting”] and how I might get in touch with them? Thank you, Name/Signature 70