eam t t wing and elopmen art 11ov Your hiring process P Grmanaging a sales de For most companies that deploy them, the To feed the process, you need to create “Hiring top talent is the fastest way SDR team quickly becomes the engine of the and manage a hiring pipeline just as you to gain an unfair advantage in revenue machine. You need more SDRs to grow, would a lead pipeline. That means knowing and as SDRs get promoted it creates an even how many resumes you need to see in order Sales Development. Leaders who bigger demand for new SDRs – and it’s a to feed your initial phone interviews, your spend 50% of their time recruiting demand no one can afford to leave to chance. in-person interviews… all the way to offers future leaders will consistently and acceptances. As the SDR team becomes increasingly outperform their peers.” professionalized, so do the hiring processes If you map out your pipeline and keep an eye that feed it. You’ll need a rigorous, systematic on ‘conversions’ at each step, you can see if Daniel Barber approach to hiring that’s actively managed as you’re on track for your hiring needs or falling VP Sales at Datanyze a strategic initiative. behind. Hiring is essentially a long sales cycle: you need to keep an eye on leading indicators The hiring pipeline or you’ll find yourself short-handed – and Many SD leaders prefer cohort hiring missing your targets. – hiring in groups – instead of a rolling process of single hires, for these reasons: For Netsuite, 10,000 resumes lead ultimately to just 60 hires. They use • It regularly focuses everyone’s mind on hiring hiring managers to do initial interviews, as you recruit a new ‘class’ followed by a panel of three business • It leads to more efficient onboarding development reps (screening for • New hires bond with each other and help each culture fit) and two Account Execs who other succeed came up from Sales Development. 109

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