ools echnology art 13 Infrastructure tools P SDR tand t Beyond the core sales development Account based analytics Account planning technologies, there are additional tools that To understand which accounts have the To map accounts, track account information, are essential for any account based strategy: best engagement and opportunity for and manage account strategies. growth (tracking MQAs), optimize SDR Lead-to-account matching performance, and measure which marketing Example vendors: Altify, Revegy, manual… To match leads to the right target account, investments best reach target accounts CRM tie their activity to the right company, route and accelerate deals. To manage accounts, contacts, opportunities, them to the right owner, and get credit for and so much more… the campaigns that touch them. Example vendors: Engagio, ZenIQ… (plus BrightFunnel and Bizible for attribution- Example vendors: Salesforce, Microsoft Example vendors: Engagio, LeanData… based analytics) Dynamics, Oracle, SugarCRM, Hubspot… 130

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