: s M s B e Ac g c inu t s n o e d t m a e o t Vl r r p e a h P Imt Interview questions to ask ABM leaders • What’s your definition of ABM? What you’re • Describe your experience working with other Whether you promote from within or hire from the looking for is alignment with your vision. departments executing ABM programs. Make outside, use these questions to evaluate • Why do you think ABM is a good strategy for our sure they understand, appreciate and respect the candidates to run your ABM program: business? This shows their ability to map generic other departments, especially Sales. ABM concepts to the specifics of your business. • Walk me through, from start to finish, the most • Describe your process for launching an ABM successful ABM campaign you’ve executed. program. Find out whether or not this person Spend the most time on this question. Don’t let could hit the ground running. the candidate gloss over any details. Ask them to • If you had unlimited budget and could buy any explain what they did and why they did it. Look for technology to help execute your ABM strategy, multi-channel engagement, examples of what would it be? Once the candidate offers a experimentation, and meaningful measures of response, drill in to to ensure they can really get success. You want to see a deep understanding into the weeds with the technology and are not of the ABM process, but you’re also looking for just looking for new ‘toys’ to play with. grit, teamwork, curiosity, and critical thinking. • How do you gauge engagement with and movement within target accounts? Look for proof that the candidate understands the complexities of a lengthy account purchase process and how to pinpoint meaningful milestones. 156