People, roles and responsibilities (cont’d) Evolving the current team “M anagement often has a difficult time ABM can feel like ‘yet another thing’ for Marketing to justifying a full-time marketer focused take on, which can be overwhelming for teams that on 3-5 ABM accounts that might help are already being pushed to do more with less. generate 20 new contacts and 5 To start, leverage your current staff. Product opportunities when a junior marketer marketing can help determine the ICP; your MOPS may create 500 new contacts and 100 team can acquire and manage the data; SDRs can opportunities. Of course, the value research accounts; field marketing can run plays, and so on. between those scenarios is vast, but You can evolve the team as you prove ABM results. the change in mindset is significant.” Over time, you may find the need for dedicated Kathy Macchi, Vice President of ABM leads and / or a global ABM Demand Center Consulting Services, Inverta of Excellence. But you don’t need them in place to get started. 155

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