g in t e k o r t a c i m r c t i n r t ce n - ce ad - e t l n t Im ou r c a ro c P F a Traditional demand Account Based Marketing is generation is fishing with a spear. fishing with a net. You don’t wait for a target account buyer to wander into your net. You reach out to target accounts directly — going after the big fish You put your campaigns out there and start catching fish. with highly relevant, personalized outreach. You don’t get wasteful You don’t care which specific fish you catch, as long as you ‘by-catch’; instead, you focus all your efforts on the prospects you pull in enough of them every month. You then nurture need to reach. and score them until opportunities come out the other end. Spear fishing raises the bar on the quality of your data and the relevance of your marketing. ABM is laser-focused. 20