Why ABM is so hot Account Based Marketing is not a new Marketing and Sales are ready to work concept. In fact, ITSMA pioneered the together concept almost 15 years ago. The rise of marketing automation and lead nurturing have brought Sales and Marketing closer together So why has ABM suddenly generated so much than ever before. A more disciplined approach to activity and attention? A few good reasons: pipeline management has earned Marketing the respect of colleagues in Sales. And, new levels of The returns on inbound are flattening out transparency have made Marketing more aware of Traditional ‘inbound’ demand generation is hitting the real challenges the sales force faces. a wall. There’s too much content and it’s too hard The technology is in place to stand out. Companies need new engines to ABM has always been a viable strategy. But today, drive growth. the tools and technologies are in place to make The economics are better it much more scalable, including CRM, marketing Sales and marketing teams are discovering that automation, analytics and personalization. inbound is not very good at the biggest, most complex deals. Reaching high into larger accounts “ There is a greater opportunity to simply drives larger and better deals, those that tend to stick around longer and become more take advantage of ABM because valuable over time. As companies look to move today’s technology makes it much up-market, ABM becomes much more compelling. less labor intensive.” Megan Heuer, VP Research, SiriusDecisions in an interview with Demand Gen Report 21

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