Your marketing orchestration playbook Your own ABM playbook will be Pre-sale plays Marketing Qualified Account Play highly customized to your goals and Account Prospecting Play Follow up with hot accounts. challenges. But these examples of Reach out to target accounts using multiple When an account shows significant activity and channels and teams. engagement (enough to be labeled a Marketing integrated plays will give you a sense As per the examples on the previous page, these Qualified Account — more on this later), of orchestration in action. are multi-channel and multi-player plays that automatically launch this follow-up play to ensure attempt to open the door at target accounts. that nothing slips through the cracks. Unlike Creativity and patience can have a major impact, traditional SDR-only follow-up, this play can use so don’t be afraid to try new things to get the touches from multiple channels and people to get attention of the people that matter. the meeting. This is a golden opportunity to get a hot account engaged in a selling conversation. Field Marketing Play Drive success for field events. Shake the Tree Play Field marketing holds special events such as VIP Wake up opportunities that have gone dark. dinners and experiences to engage high-value When an account goes dark, it doesn’t mean the targets, but it can be hard to get executives to deal is lost. If the buyer stops responding to the RSVP. The same is true for setting up meetings at Account Executive, it’s time to bring in new voices major events such as tradeshows. Sales wants and channels to ‘shake the tree’ and get the Marketing to drive the process, but Marketing conversation going again. (This is essentially a knows they need help from Sales. Batch emails more aggressive form of deal nurturing.) won’t do it; the personal touch is critical to get key executives to attend your events. Use a play to orchestrate the process and ensure the right interactions are happening across departments. 94