Anatomy of a play Here is a simple play for reaching out to a target account, courtesy of TOPO. It involves touches from your Sales Development Rep (SDR) as well as one of your executives (in this case, the CIO), plus marketing air-cover in the form of direct mail. This play reaches out to the decision-maker, key stakeholders, executives, and more. Type Activity Audience Owner Notes 1 – Day 1 Marketing email All Marketing Announce event, feature keynote 2 – Day 1 Postal DM Marketing Dimensional mailer, event brochure. Drop day 1, arrive day 3-4 3 – Day 8 Marketing email All, segmented Marketing ‘Why attend?’, featuring relevant speaker (by person) 4 – Day 11 SDR call Stakeholder, DM SDR Invite call 5 – Day 11 SDR email All SDR Invite email, feature relevant companies attending 6 – Day 14 Exec email Exec Exec Personalized invitation from CIO 7 – Day 18 Marketing email All Marketing ‘Less than two weeks!’, feature VR Lounge after-party 8 – Day 22 SDR call Stakeholder, DM SDR Invite call 9 – Day 22 SDR email All SDR Personalized email, feature networking 10 – Day 24 Marketing email All Marketing ‘One week away!’ message 11 – Day 28 SDR email All SDR ‘Last chance! Registration closes tomorrow!’ message 12 – Day 29 Marketing email All Marketing ‘Just 4 more hours to register!’ message Day 31 Live event Example Orchestration Plan, TOPO 93