( ) Simple vs super-personalization cont’d Don’t forget PowerPoint Content Hubs “ 80% of clients have a huge content The sales presentation is still a critical pivot point Freya News, the ABM marketing agency, library. We look at what they have, then in most sales processes. recommends industry-specific content hubs that personalize it.” contain content for all personas and buying stages. ABM teams can help arm each salesperson with Uberflip, a content marketing company, creates Jeff Sands, the most informed, relevant and insightful pitches content hubs for specific named accounts. Senior Associate, ITSMA that speak directly to each audience and match everything the prospects have been seeing from If you use this approach, you could then use the company. targeted advertising, email and social media to drive your ABM contacts to the hub, where they Using a generic corporate deck to follow-through find the right content for them. on a highly-personalized ABM process would be nothing short of malpractice. 69

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