s e s s e c o Marketing Qualified r M p B III 7 A t e r a h Accounts (MQAs) P T In demand generation, companies have long used MQA definitions should also target the specific Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) to designate needs of your business: MQAs, defined leads they consider worthy for Sales. But ABM The subset of your ideal customer targets is account-centric, so instead of MQLs it uses • Company: A large enterprise might need to show (accounts or Demand Units) with engagement Marketing Qualified Accounts (MQAs). more engagement from more people than a levels indicating possible sales readiness. small company. You may accept a lower MQA thresholds threshold from target accounts than non-targets. MQAs are a subset of target accounts, so you can • Personas: Your business may require a certain assume they ‘Fit’ with your Ideal Customer Profile. amount of engagement from key personas in (If using MQAs more broadly, you’ll need a fit specific buying centers, and at least some scoring component that establishes which engagement from a senior executive, to accounts are worth the time.) move the account into MQA status. • Actions: Certain actions known as ‘Act Nows’ You’ll want to define MQA rules by establishing the always make an account marketing qualified right thresholds for account-level engagement. (e.g. a particular demo is accessed by two Look at three factors: different people at an account; or a director-level contact requests a meeting, etc.). • Depth: The total amount of account • Exclusion list: You may want to exclude certain engagement, measured by engagement minutes. accounts from being MQAs. These could • Breadth: How broad is the engagement, be partners or companies that don’t fit measured by the number of unique people account criteria. driving the activity? • Time: How recent the engagement is. Only count Once you have MQAs defined, you can track the minutes in a defined window of time? number you generate by account type for each period to show ABM success. For example, a simple threshold MQA rule might be ‘30 minutes of engagement from at least 3 personas in the last three months.’ 122