The New SiriusDecisions Demand Unit Waterfall® When SiriusDecisions introduced its iconic Target demand Potential Demand Units that could purchase company solutions Demand Waterfall in 2006, the analyst firm led (e.g. total addressable market) the way in teaching the world how to quantify the traditional lead-based demand generation process. Active demand Demand units showing evidence of being, or needing to be, in the market for company It was powerful and helped teach a generation of solutions (often driven by intent data) B2B marketers how to measure and communicate Engaged demand Demand units where at least one designated buyer persona opts into company campaigns their results. and / or responds to marketing actions (e.g. an Inquiry in the old Waterfall) Inspired by new processes and technologies like Single accounts with multiple inquiries may remain in the engaged stage. This stage maps ABM, SiriusDecisions released a new version in to the Aware Accounts stage shown before 2017: The Demand Unit Waterfall®. This was a Prioritized demand Demand units showing sufficient engagement to justify sales contact (e.g. a Marketing major change away from lead-based funnels. Qualified Account) Qualified demand Demand units qualified as sales-ready by humans (e.g. need and timing or other criteria) Pipeline Demand units with active sales opportunities Closed Demand units with closed-won opportunities SiriusDecisions changed its Demand Waterfall to incorporate ABM. The Demand Unit Waterfall® tracks how discrete buying groups called Demand Units, not leads, move through the waterfall. (See Part IV for more on Demand Units.) 123

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