CHAPTER 3 We also sought to understand the number of How many target accounts do you currently have accounts within three specific account tiers. These in “tier 1” or equivalent? tiers dictate the type of account, and the tactics used to engage them will be different. For example: 11-50 (26.44%) 0-10 (18.31%) Your ABM program may focus on one specific tier or might combine strategies and activities for each tier. But 101-500 (17.63%) thinking about account sizes and numbers in this way 51-100 (15.59%) will help guide your thinking about resource allocation, N/A (12.20%) level of automation and impacts on scalability. 501-1000 (4.75%) 1001-5000 (3.73%) In our survey, respondents indicated the 5000+ (1.36%) following account distribution: The majority of companies (27%) have between 11-50 tier 1 target accounts ABM TACTICS AND DETAILS 23