Coordinated Plays (cont’d) e tion dina oor art 10 c f P The importanco Customer onboarding Plays An accounts receivable Play “Shake the Tree” Play Your customer experience starts with a Late payment can cripple a business, choking At Engagio, we have a Play that an Account professional, proactive onboarding experience. off cash flow. A Play engineered to chase up late Executive can use if an account goes cold after Instead of leaving that to chance, design a Play payment can pay for itself many times over. showing initial interest. The first step is a to orchestrate all interactions across channels Late payment should trigger a series of personalized email from our Sales Manager to and departments to bring a new customer escalating interactions, starting with your their main point of contact. If that doesn’t drive a on-board in the best possible way. You might Accounts Receivables team to their Payables response, the next email comes from Engagio’s send customers a welcome pack, send a letter team; then from your Account Executive to their CEO to the executive sponsor at the prospect. from a senior executive and drop a ‘here to help’ Business User; and finally from your Executive Next is an email from our Customer Success VP. email from the head of customer service. to Executive if needed. If that still doesn’t work, we try a very different email such one from an individual engineer or Customer marketing Plays Trigger event Plays marketing manager. By switching personas, Want to reach out to a customer asking for a Sometimes a trigger event in a target account is styles, and messages, we’re far more likely reference, case study, or other ask? Streamline a defining moment and creates a short window to reactivate the account than if the AE alone the process with best practice emails. of opportunity. Have a Play pre-scripted that kept persisting. Orchestrate the ask across multiple customer can kick off the moment the trigger event is personas from multiple players on your team spotted. For example, the hiring of a new and your chance of success goes way up. VP can kick off a ten-step Play that brings in SDRs, Marketing and the Account Exec. Customer Renewal Plays Renewals are the lifeblood of many B2B and SaaS companies. A well-designed Play can manage and automate the ideal 180-day, 90-day, 60-day, 30-day, and 15-day interactions that lead to increased renewals. This is an all-hands Play with notes from Account Execs, Customer Service and senior executives – all singing from the “Stay with us!” hymn sheet. 93