t f o elopmen How many accounts t Based v oun c art 7c should you target? P The WHO ASales De The number of accounts you choose to target A resource view for each Tier in your ABSD program – and the We think the best way to select target accounts number of accounts per AE and SDR – will is by looking at how many resources you have How Engagio does it depend on things like: to invest. And that depends on how you handle At Engagio, each Account Exec has the different tiers or styles of ABE. A given a territory consisting of: • Your expected deal sizes enterprise Account Executive may only be • The length of the sales cycle handle a few Tier 1 accounts, but a corporate • 5 Tier 1 accounts (deep • Your available sales resources rep could probably handle a few hundred personalization, • Your current level of engagement Tier 3 target accounts at a time. Put another no generic marketing) with major prospects way, the right number of accounts is the • The intensiveness of your number that your team can handle in • 45 Tier 2 accounts account based strategy a tier-appropriate way. (medium personalization, no generic marketing) We know one company where management felt their reps could have 100 named accounts • 150 Tier 3 accounts at a time – but they gave each one 150 accounts (light personalization) so the reps wouldn’t feel like their territories were too small. Our theory is that one rep can’t handle the work to create deep profiles for more than 5 accounts; and they can’t sign up to always follow-up personally (not via automated marketing) for more than 50 total accounts. 37