eam t t wing and elopmen art 11ov Growing and managing P Gr managing a sales de a sales development team The Account Based Everything model is built on the professionalization of the sales development discipline. In a successful ABE strategy, you can’t just hire a bunch of young Sales Development Reps, give them a list of companies, and say ‘Good luck’. This section of the Clear & Complete Guide Establish your sales development goals Building on success, your company may focuses on building a professional sales There are many reasons to build an Account need to penetrate a new market, from development team that consistently delivers Based Sales Development team. The important the top down. the big opportunities that drive rapid growth. thing is to know why you’re doing it and to make That might mean a focused ‘tiger team’ that sure your key stakeholders agree. runs alongside your existing demand-gen The goal is nothing short of excellence at scale. machine, but is focused on one market. In an account based environment, every Your goals will reflect your unique situation: at-bat is important. While you don’t want to Your priority might be revenue growth remove the ability for a smart SDR to use his An early-stage company might need to give from existing customers. or her judgment, you do want to instill focus, their Account Execs more at-bats as a priority. That means a concerted cross-sell/upsell efficiency and control to the SD process. That would mean a lower qualification program targeting the biggest opportunities threshold: more meetings, more learning and a fully-utilized sales team. and working closely with Customer Success. A mature SaaS vendor with a roaring You get the idea. Your situation guides your inbound machine might need to maximize goals, which guide your strategic decisions. AE productivity and focus on key accounts. Even if your goals seem obvious to everyone, That would mean a tighter, longer sales we urge you to write them down and get all development process. your key stakeholders on board. 9696

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