eam t t wing and elopmen art 11o v SDR compensation P Grmanaging a sales de How and how much should you pay your SDRs? Factors that drive compensation include The average for the role has stayed pretty flat experience, average selling price, the region, for the last few years, so this Bridge Group data the vertical market and the goals of your SDR Companies with the largest is a good benchmark: team (whether they’re meeting setters or lead share of variable comp paid qualifiers). The Bridge Group offers a handy on “Opportunities Won” see online Compensation Calculator that can help an 11% lower than average PPS. Average SDR compensation you set your own compensation scheme. Bridge Group Base salary $46.0k The variable part On-target earnings $72.1k To keep things simple, the variable portion of the compensation package is usually based Base % | Variable % 64% | 36% on only one or two factors. Of the five most common factors, a Bridge Group study shows Source: The Bridge Group: that first two are most used: Sales Development 2016: Metrics and Compensation Research Report • Number of meetings/opportunities passed • Number of meetings/opportunities accepted • Value of opportunities won • Number of opportunities won • Number of activities Companies paying the largest share of their variable comp on “Number of Meetings/Opportunities Passed” have a 6% higher Pipeline Power Score than the average. 100