orld ork in an w ’t based w t oun art 4c P Silos donac What if you’re not aligned yet? On the account based journey, total alignment is the goal. But the important thing is to always make progress towards it. You can’t stop your revenue machine, hold everything and wait until you’ve achieved perfect alignment. So get going now: Start with an alignment Agree on key metrics and Meet regularly – to review workshop – sit down together SLAs – agree on what good processes, metrics and progress. and discuss the account based looks like, what metrics you’ll approach and why you need to track and what commitments Use common data and change the way you work. you’ll make to each other. technology platforms – avoid silo systems! Define your ideal accounts – Build a foundation – implement make sure you’re all aiming for an account-centric data the right deals. infrastructure, including things like lead-to-account matching. 22