t f o elopmen t Based v oun c art 7c Why do SDRs need IBPs? P The WHO ASales De The Ideal Buyer Profile helps SDRs in two Remember: Although your Ideal Buyer Profiles important ways: can tell you a lot about what messages will resonate with a given buyer, they don’t Who does persona development? 1. They guide contact building – leading the completely replace your research on actual The wider sales and marketing team reps to the most important people in the contacts (discussed below). A crafted message should work together to develop target accounts to a persona in a specific industry is a powerful personas, with marketing taking thing on its own – but relationship-building the lead on building out the profiles 2. They help reps understand the person they’re should also reflect the things they learn about and stories. prospecting – to know what drives them, each individual contact (a recent blog post they what makes them tick, what language will wrote; a speech they gave, etc.), especially for Often, it’s then left to the SDR to find the resonate, etc. Tier 1 accounts. As you go lower down your contacts that match those personas, account tiers, the base profile plays a bigger though in some companies, marketing In short, crisp and clear IBPs are an essential role in shaping interactions. assists as well – especially for Tier 1 element to any ABSD strategy. and Tier 2 accounts. 41