sales t f kind o w elopmen art 1 ne v A simple model P A de Traditional sales development was not The transformation in sales development has particularly sophisticated: been driven by two big developments: “59% o f sales development • Hire hungry, ambitious young people 1) Separating inbound from outbound organizations create specialized • Stick them on a bank of phones Just as sales development itself is a teams for inbound and outbound.” • Give them big, broad lists of people to call specialization, the new version takes it one TOPO: The 2016 Sales Development (and/or inbound contacts to qualify) step further: creating two teams with very Benchmark Report • And stand back different goals A recent Bridge Group study It was a blunt instrument, but it worked a lot One team focuses on responding quickly showed that inbound/outbound role better than asking Account Execs to waste and efficiently to inbound interest created by specialization resulted in a 16% increase their time hunting for opportunities. marketing (email, advertising, the web, etc.). in Pipeline Power Score (their metric for revenue generation efficiency Two big developments The other focuses on creating opportunities and effectiveness) Today, sales development has become much using outbound tactics (primarily phone and more focused and dramatically more effective. email – more on this later). “Sales de velopment specialization is an accelerator on the path to The new sales development discipline has Both teams are important. But both involve repeatable and scalable pipeline.” been well evangelized by the people who different skills and different tactics. Trish Bertuzzi, pioneered it, in books such as Predictable The Sales Development Playbook Revenue by Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler; The Sales Development Playbook by Trish Bertuzzi; and From Impossible to Inevitable, by Ross and Jason Lemkin (we highly recommend all three). 6