t ounerything c v c art 5ello, A Inbound + Outbound = Allbound P H Based E The rise of Account Based Everything has The problem with inbound only The benefits of outbound sparked a debate between the virtues of In the early days of digital demand-gen, some The excitement surrounding the rise of inbound inbound versus outbound models. This is as companies evangelized an all-inbound model. marketing blinded many B2B companies to the good a time as any to try to put this argument That approach has serious limitations: power of outbound. Now it’s back in the to bed. spotlight, and for good reason: Inbound takes a long time to scale – For the most progressive leaders in sales and anywhere from 1-2 years, as discussed above. Outbound delivers big wins faster – because marketing, ‘inbound vs outbound’ misses the it’s more targeted and more proactive. point. Both can be important to the growth of Sales gets dependent on leads – a B2B business, but they do very different things a dangerous dependency. Costs vary with pipeline – double your efforts and require different processes and skills. and you double your output (which doesn’t Inbound marketing can get saturated – happen with inbound). Inbound is an always-on strategy that urgently with less return on incremental investment. responds to demonstrated buyer intent. There’s zero waste – all your effort is focused That said, the answer is NOT to stop inbound on the accounts that matter. Outbound is a thoughtful outreach strategy efforts: they’re too important for that and, once that crafts and coordinates targeted messages up to speed, create a flywheel effect that is You reach higher in key accounts – with to named accounts. an important growth driver. inbound, you’re at the mercy of who comes to you (usually junior people looking for competitive bids). With account based outbound you reach out to senior decision makers with a solution focus. That leads to more strategic deals and can even avoid competitive bake-offs. The revenue is stickier – smaller, inbound deals are more likely to eventually churn than larger more strategic deals. 28