g in t e k o r ta c i m r c t i n r t cen - ce ad- e t ln t Imou r c a roc P F a “I n Account Based Marketing, sales and “ Account Based Everything recognizes Account marketing work together to create an that it takes a village to zero in on Account Based always -on series of touches and key accounts; that all functions must Based Sales relationship-building activities aimed at be integrated, from marketing to Marketing Development these accounts. A meeting with an sales development, sales and account is just the beginning — not the customer success.” One central end — of an Account Based Marketing Tom Scearce, TOPO account program Outbound prospecting clearly based view works but it’s one channel into target accounts. The key piece that’s missing Account is marketing. The timing is right for the Account Based ABM movement — an aligned Based Customer Sales Success marketing- sales strategy to solve the target account pipeline problem.” Craig Rosenberg, Co-Founder and Chief Analyst, TOPO 18