: s M s B e A c g c in u t s n o e d t m a e o t Vl r r p e a h P Im t What if you’re not aligned yet? So, get going now: Meet regularly — like a good marriage, On the account-based journey, total alignment is communication matters; talk frequently to review the goal. But the important thing is to always make Stop talking about leads and start talking about accounts and metrics and decide on what plays progress towards it. You can’t stop your revenue accounts — it’s hard to be aligned when Marketing to run. machine and put ABM on hold until you’ve achieved and Sales look at fundamentally different things. perfect alignment. Use integrated data and technology platforms Start with an ABM workshop — sit down together — avoid siloed systems, implement Lead-to- and discuss the account-based approach and why Account matching, and put your ABM insights into you need to change the way you work. the CRM where Sales already works. Define your ideal accounts — make sure you’re all aiming at the same target account list. Agree on account entitlements and key metrics — agree on what metrics you’ll track and what commitments you’ll make to each other. Build a foundation — implement an account- centric data infrastructure, including capabilities such as lead-to-account matching. 150