ABM maturity As you gain experience with ABM, you will move down the ABM maturity curve and see more and more benefits. Download our survey at engagio.com/buyers-kit to assess where you are. Stage 1 goal: Showcase early ABM success. Be clear on objectives for ABM. Establish People Process Programs Measurement ABM technology Additional capabilities Key people on your Set goals for pilot program. Simple marketing and ADR Coverage, awareness, capabilities needed needed current team Set clear accounts for ABM touches (direct mail, targeted engagement, and Lead to account Account and contact dedicating a % of their (either ICP or lookalike ads, digital programs.) meetings at target matching — L2A to data build out. time to a pilot program. accounts). Leverage existing content, accounts. establish an account Interaction capabilities personalized if possible. foundation for SDR and marketing Regular meetings to track Synthesized data from air-cover — ads OR progress. CRM, marketing direct mail OR events automation, website, and corporate email so team has ONE consistent account view. Stage 2 goal: Scale ABM success for key segments. Goal are clear and well-understood. Grow People Process Programs Measurement ABM technology and Additional capabilities A % of the team is ICP is defined. Account tiers With small changes to Early and late metrics capabilities need needed dedicating ongoing established. existing content, new assets used with the addition Systems for account Predictive data used to time to your ABM Team meets and reports on developed for different of pipeline and closed- and lead routing. better target accounts. initiative. results regularly. lifecycle stages. won deals in accounts. Orchestration to Intent data to support Initiatives are ‘orchestrated’ Additional channels layered in manage plays across outbound efforts. with Sales and other e.g. predictive, intent data, channels. Attribution technology customer-facing teams. direct mail, targeted events. to answer more Sales is heavily involved and Orchestrated plays are sophisticated understands impact. running across multiple questions. channels. Sales is in the process of creating account plans. 147

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