( ) Scoring target accounts cont’d How predictive scoring works “P redictive Analytics looks at indicators 3ft Predictive Analytics takes data about accounts at a level that humans just can’t that have progressed to a certain stage of the understand. It’s not realistic to expect buying process and uses it to highlight other that you will come up with your best accounts that look most like these. Just as Netflix predicts which movies you’ll like target accounts simply by having sales, 2ft based on the ones you already liked, Predictive marketing and product sit in a room. Analytics chooses the companies most likely to This reduces so much friction and buy by analyzing the ones who have already allows everyone to feel like you’re bought (or have become opportunities). making data-based decisions instead 1ft Predictive models will often include all the data that of having people bickering around you might use in a manual scoring model but will a table.” likely include many more dimensions and data points. In fact, a big part of the value of predictive J.J. Kardwell, vendors is they do the data collection and Co-Founder, Everstring cleansing work for you. T O N the usual suspects Predictive models don’t operate with any biases or hypotheses. They simply analyze the data, building the model around any characteristics that best correlate with eventual success. 45