Web personalization in ABM More than 98% of visitors to your And if you’ve created account-specific content website are anonymous when they (such as an Account Content Hub), you’ll want to Avoiding the creepy factor arrive and still unknown when they feature that when a member of that account hits As ABM develops, it’s important to maintain click away. your site. the integrity and ethics of the discipline. Once a visitor is known and in your marketing Used insensitively, personalization can cross That hurts. automation system, you can personalize even more that ‘creepy line’ into cyber-stalking. And if you — by persona and buying stage, for example. start playing the volume game with ABM, But it doesn’t mean you can’t use your website in the relevance of your interactions plummets your ABM program. The best way to do it is by — and you turn into a spammer. personalizing the web experience for your chosen accounts. ABM marketers are among the smartest in the Using web personalization technology, you can business. Let’s keep the standards high and treat identify the company and industry that a visitor prospects the way we’d like to be treated ourselves. belongs to, then serve them up images, case studies and offers that target that account or industry. If you’re targeting healthcare, retail and financial services, you can create three different home pages and website paths that are optimized for each. 85