Advantages of account advertising Easy Targets by funnel stage Getting started with account advertising is You can build different campaigns for different They liked it so much they relatively easy. It doesn’t require building deep stages of the account journey. Accounts that have bought the company sales and marketing alignment, or dramatically never engaged with you should get a broad 2lemetry sold business intelligence software for revamping your metrics or lead-based processes. awareness campaign (low bid, broad targeting), the Internet of Things. They wanted to get a while accounts that visited key product pages on partnership with Amazon Web Services. Always on your website would be best to see a detailed case Unlike other ABM tactics that require your team to study (max bid, narrow targeting). Accounts that They wrote a custom blog post about how their do manual work each time, your ads can run 24x7 have open opportunities might see a specialized solution would work with AWS’ Lambda without manual intervention. nurture sequence (medium bid, narrow targeting). platform, then bought a Facebook ad, targeting Reaches people not in your database everyone who worked at AWS. If you want to send an email or direct mail package, Within 2 weeks, they had a meeting with the you need to have contact information for the ABM ad creative right people. A few months later, AWS bought individual in your database. But ABM advertising ABM advertising isn’t about the click. It is an the company! lets you target the company (and sometimes awareness builder and can provide brand personas in the company), so you can reach the recognition and air-cover for your outbound people you don’t yet know. This can be especially efforts. It can also support open sales useful in ABM since buying committees are large opportunities, help nurture existing and you may not have every single individual in relationships, and support activities your database yet. surrounding targeted events. Personalized search With Google’s Customer Match feature, you can The key is to be seen by the right people at the upload a batch of email addresses to Google right time, sending the right message. and use them to target specific customers at specific accounts. This works in search as well as Shopping, Gmail, and YouTube. • Since match rates for B2B emails may not be high, use this to bid higher for known matches, not to exclude all other searches. 81